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Generadores Y Nodos

Materiales Procedurales

Agrupación de distintos generadores de Materiales  y nodos creados con substance Designer


Book Generator

Book Generator (WIP)

estante de libros

El generador de libros permite crear, proceduralmente, libros de distintos materiales, calidades de hojas, estados de conservación y portadas cambiando fuentes y diseños.

Este generador esta centrado en los libros de entre el siglo XVIII y el siglo XX, y permite alterar el tamaño, proporciones, materiales, estado, diseño, textos y motivos.


Rock Wall Generator

Este generador permite cambiar:

El nivel de musgo, su opacidad, la paleta de colores y el tono/saturación/iluminación

El patrón puede variar el suavizado de las esquinas, la semilla aleatoria, el ajuste del height map e incluso el uso de un mapa personalizado para crear el patrón.

El generador también permite cambiar el roughness general, añadir efectos de humedad, su cantidad o el uso de un mapa personalizado para definir la humedad. 

Substance Graph.jpg

Tudor Wall Generator


Este generador permite cambiar:

- El color de las vigas y de la escayola

- El marco de vigas de cada bloque

- Patrones de vigas entre una libreria

- Crear nuevos patrones de vigas eligiendo su posicion, grosor, color, altura, o curva.

Tudor Wall Generator

Substance Nodes

Simple Tool Pack

The Simple Tool Pack Groups 3 nodes that i find useful, this node pack is absolutely free and available in the artstation store.
The nodes are: The Test Material, Bender, Faceter.



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Test Material

This is probably the node I use the most and yet is a very simple one. I created this node to make my life easy when trying to test how a material looks during its development. 

The node starts by default reading one input, the height map, with this input the node creates ao, normal, roughness, albedo and height maps, allowing to quicky see the material during the process. As you advance you can add specific inputs for each map, or set values for them. 



The faceter node is a useful tool to facet rock like materials, the faceter is really simple and, from a cell like pattern, makes random facets. This node can  control the size of the face, the random seed, and a mask of some of the cells; This last one also reads an input as a mask.


The bender is a node with a very punctual utility, yet I've find this node useful a couple of times. The node is meant to read an input shape, an straight one, and bend it in a determined direction with a determined curvature.

Ancla 1

Input Adapter


The Input Adapter Pack is meant to simplify some actions related to converting values and making user friendly features easier. The pack is also available for free in the Artstation Store, and includes nodes for Vector Filling; to make in a vector, one of the values of your choice static while letting the others up to the user,  ScaleNormalizer super simple node where you enter a value from 0 to 1 and gives the proportional value between two values of your choice. Finally one a bit more unusual yet really cool in my opinion as a userFriendly feature is Sample Texture.

Vector Filler

There are 3 individual nodes in Vector Fillers, for Vector4, Vector3 and Vector2.
The node has an input meant to be exposed, the vector, and a position and value parameters that should be controlled by the creator. This way you can make the user control a RGB Vector while Alpha is static or controlled by other value. same thing for position values where you onli want one axis and so on.


The Texture sample node is for the situation in which the user can use an input map, to avoid the node to show nothing until the user plugs the input map this node checks wether the user has plugged or not an input, and if they haven't, the node will show the other input that is supposed to be filled by the creator with a Sample Texture.


Scale normalizer reads a value from 0 to 1 and gives the proportional value in a given customizable range. The node is especially useful in situations like: inverting a value, making only a specific range in a node to be controled or changing  a 0 to 1 scale to a -1 to 1  scale.


Finally, as the purpose of this pack is to make some actions easier and faster i made a node that merges old the previous nodes, this node has a dropdown list where you can select the function that you want to do then the values and outputs that correspond will show. 




Reproducir video

This Pack gathers two nodes; more likely  generators than nodes, this ones have the purpose to simplify and improve the export of Portfolio Images process. First One allowing you embed a background and a Template to your image and the other one creating animated gifs of a material in different stages of the development.

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